“Today, I was privileged to attend Joyce Marter’s keynote presentation at the Ella Alabama Counseling Association conference. I was thoroughly impressed with the high quality of information she delivered. In my 22 years of attending Counseling Association conferences, I consider her one of the best keynote speakers.
Joyce’s information was not only helpful but also highly practical. I can take the concepts she presented to my school and implement them in practice. Specifically, I plan to bring her keys to success to our Career Center and have them printed and displayed for our high school students. The handouts she provided will be valuable tools to help students introspect and improve their decision-making.
Listening to Joyce share her story today, I gained valuable tools from a business perspective and for use with my clinicians and supervisors. I am considering having Joyce come and speak to our company, organization, school, or practice because I am confident she will not disappoint.
As someone who attends several conferences throughout the year, it is meaningful to encounter a speaker who impacts me personally. Joyce shared stories that resonated with my family dynamics, reminding me of my parents and siblings. I thank her for sharing her gifts and talents, making a lasting impression on us today.”