The devastating violence against Black citizens this summer has brought rasicm, discrimination, and injustice to the forefront of many hearts and minds – including my own. It has also demonstrated to many of us how much work and growth is still needed, in order for us to be effective allies. We must continue to talk about racism, to support our communities, and to do the hard work of self-examination. We can no longer be complacent. I am committed to learning more about racism, my role in it, and how to become actively anti-racist.
Beginning this month, I will be sharing a selection of five counselors, counseling associations, legislative leaders, and/or community organizations who are leading the charge for racial and social justice, both in Chicago and across the country. These incredible individuals and organizations are strong advocacy resources for BIPOC mental health support, and those eager to continue their growth as an ally.
I encourage you to use the links below to learn more about these organizations, follow them on social media, and support their efforts to bring justice and equality to our marginalized communities. I also invite you to share your favorites with me, so that we can all learn and grow together.
Illinois Counselors for Social Justice:
The mission of Illinois Counselors for Social Justice is to work to promote social justice in Illinois and our society, through the professional development of counselors who confront oppressive systems of power and privilege.
National Association of Black Counselors:
The mission of The National Association of Black Professional Counselors is to provide an organization for African-American people to advocate for, and advance the mental health and well-being of African-American people, organizations, communities and the African diaspora through research, professional practice, education, advocacy, policy setting and reform.
Voices for Racial Justice:
We are committed to building power through collective cultural & healing strategies for racial justice using organizing, leadership training, community policy & research.
Congressman Danny K. Davis:
Congressman Davis feels strongly that education is key to a responsible, healthy, and vibrant citizenry. As captured by the Scottish politician Henry Peter Brougham, Congressman Davis agrees that, “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.” Given this perspective, he works to advance education for all students from birth through higher education.
Humanity Rising:
Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how to leverage the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges.