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The Money Mindset And Its Impact With Joyce Marter

ā€œThereā€™s an interconnection between mental health and financial health.ā€ ā€”  Joyce Marter At first glance, it may appear that there is no correlation between mental health and financial health, but the truth is that they affect one another. Read the full article by clicking below.

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What to do if youā€™re more frugal than your spouse

ā€œDid you use the coupon?ā€ I asked my husband this question when he returned from the store. I had a good idea his answer would be some variation of no. Usually he says ā€œI forgot.ā€ But that hasnā€™t stopped me from trying for the past 20 years. Read the full article where Joyce Marter is ...

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How To Level With Your Partner Who Makes Big Decisions Without You

Talking about money is stressful. Not only do more than half of the Americans surveyed by OnePoll and Questis think money discussions are taboo, but three in five fake their financial situation on social media to appear more stable, and 30% would also rather watch a horror film than talk about moneyā€”two of the other ...

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Mental Health Awareness

In this issue of Check-In, Joyce Marter tackles the topic of mental health awareness and its ability to improve our mental health, financial health, work-life balance, and relationships.

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How Taking Vacation Actually Improves Your Health, According to Doctors

Among advanced economies around the world, the US stands out in one troubling way, according to The Center for Economic and Policy Research. The center refers to America as the ā€œNo Vacation Nationā€ with a workaholic culture that contributes to increased stress levels, lower well-being, and physical health problems like heart disease, says Joyce Marter, ...

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Couples and Money

Financial compatibility occurs when two people share financial values and goals and can communicate and collaborate well with one another to manage their money successfully. In romantic relationships, when two people are likely spending time and money together, there needs to be agreement on who is paying for what. Discussions about finances become especially critical ...

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Being Happy for the Bride, Even When Unhappily Single

People often view weddings as occasions of joy and happiness. In addition, they can require adjustment, acceptance, and mixed emotions, especially if you hate being single. Attending a wedding ceremony solo can sometimes be agonizing if you are jealous of the bride and are all too familiar with the “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” ...

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Grand Prize Winner for Next Generation Indie Book Awards

We are delighted to announce that The Financial Mindset Fix by Joyce Marter was a Grand Prize Winner for Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

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Grand Prize Winner of Next Generation Indie Book Award

We are excited to announce that The Financial Mindset Fix by Joyce Marter won as a Grand Prize Winner from the Indie Book Awards in Self-Help.

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IPPY Book Awards Gold in Self-Help

We are delighted to announce that The Financial Mindset Fix by Joyce Marter received Gold in Self-Help from the IP Book Awards.

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