Mental Health Counseling and Consulting Service

Introducing Your In-House Mental Health Counsel

Joyce Marter is now providing robust mental health in the workplace programming and consulting services for large corporations and federal agencies.
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“Did you know? Employees are overwhelmed by chronic transition and uncertainty and under-equipped to successfully manage the demands of life and work.”

The Current State of Mental Health in the Workplace: Itā€™s Time to Stop Putting a BandAid on a Hemorrhage

Mental health concerns used to be a private and personal matter, and many of us suffered in silent shame. The challenges of recent years have shed light on mental health, and workplaces have recognized they need to support the mental health of employees and cultivate a culture of psychological safety in order to retain their greatest asset.

With hybrid and remote working models, the separation between work and home has all but disappeared. Mental health has moved from a private issue to a core component of the success of any business across the industry.

“77% of Employers Report Increase in Workforce Mental Health Needs”

Business Group on Health’s 2024 Health

Emotional, social and communication skills are not taught in our primary, secondary or higher education. The result is employees are without the skills to succeed in the current climate. Employees need to be taught how to take care of themselves and others in the midst of chaos.

According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety cost the global economy US $1 trillion each year predominantly from reduced productivity.

The cost of the stress epidemic and related mental health implications to workplaces is dire. Billions of dollars a year are lost to absenteeism, low productivity, errors/accidents/injury, and turnover related to unaddressed behavioral health conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance misuse, addiction, and stress and trauma disorders, death by suicide, clinical burnout and moreā€¦

Find out what unaddressed behavioral health concerns cost your organization: 

  • The National Safety Councilā€™s Substance Use Cost Calculator provides information about the cost of substance use to employers based on number of employees, industry, and state. 
  • One Mind at Workā€™s Mental Health Cost Calculator determines the financial impact of serious depression on the employers.

Per a 2022 Gallup poll, workers with fair or poor mental health were “estimated to have nearly 12 days of unplanned absences annually compared with 2.5 days for all other workers.” Generalized across the U.S. workforce, that missed work was estimated to cost the economy $47.6 billion annually in lost productivity.

1 in 5

U.S. workers considered leaving their companies last year due to their mental health’s impact on their ability to work

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Your In-House Mental Health Counsel

Joyce Marter’s Corporate Consulting Services

Bringing a licensed mental health professional and speaker/trainer, like Joyce Marter, into the workplace removes many of the barriers to care and presents mental healthcare as a vitamin (something that improves health and wellness) rather than as a painkiller (something you only resort to when you are in extreme suffering). This positive group experience destigmatizes mental health care as something that promotes health rather than treats illness.

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The Catch-22: Employees Arenā€™t Using Their Mental Health Benefits Due to Fear of Losing Their Job

According to Mental Health America, over half people with mental health conditions do not seek treatment due to barriers such as stigma, lack of mental health awareness, time and cost. Even companies that provide rich Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and other wellness benefits to staff struggle with gross underutilization of these resources, with many people do not access these rich benefits because of concerns about confidentiality and fears of losing their job

“The approximate EAP utilization rate across seven global regions is only 2-3%”

Gallup Survey

Most people delay seeking treatment until they are suffering very significantly, instead of seeking help preventatively or addressing mental health concerns earlier on. Delaying treatment increases the severity of symptoms as well as the need for higher levels of intervention and care and a longer prognosis. 

Mental Health Continuum

How Do Your Employees Feel About Their Workplace?

Whatā€™s Coming… The Tsunami of AI and Its Impact on Employee Mental Health in the Workplace

With the explosion of technology in the AI age, your employees will be facing new technology, processes, and organizational changes on top of what they are already having difficulty managing. 

Feelings that may come up for your employees about AI (Artificial Intelligence) include:

The Solution to the Mental Health Crisis

Ongoing & Robust Mental Health in the Workplace Programming

Workplaces are the communities we are in everyday and have enormous power to address the mental health crisis. Sophisticated and sustainable organizations recognize that investing in employee mental health not only saves their greatest asset, but gives their staff the skills to move along the mental health continuum from being in crisis, struggling or surviving (which most people are today) to thriving and excelling.

The fact is, therapy is not just for individuals, couples, and families. It can also take place at work in the form of therapeutic keynote addresses with mindfulness experiences and other practical tools, corporate training with didactic skills building, consulting and coaching to improve communication and conflict resolution, and executive leadership retreat experiences to cultivate emotional intelligence and conscious leadership. These services can be combined for a year(s) of ongoing mental health programming.

Just as companies have in-house counsel, it is time to have clinical mental health in the workplace expert on retainer.

There is a new need for group healing, shared recovery, and language and lenses to heal, recover, thrive, and prosper together collaboratively.

Organizations Inspired By Joyce

Joyce Marter Testimonials

Joyce Marter is a compelling and engaging presenter. She delivers information-packed sessions in a way that is compassionate and inclusive and elicits new insights from participants. She is exceptionally well-prepared and delivers every time!

Tami Simon

Founder, Sounds True

“Joyce Marter has delivered outstanding educational presentations for the Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association. The feedback we received from attendees of her presentations was that she conveyed practical business advice from a personal perspective in an easy-going, down-to-earth way, and that she is a very skilled presenter with an excellent style of capturing and holding her audienceā€™s attention.”

Dan Stasi Executive Director

Illinois Counseling Association

“Mental health and financial wealth are two topics that our community of architects struggle with everydayā€¦ most often in silence. Joyceā€™s open, honest and friendly presentation brought permission to discuss and a solution to engage everyone in the room. A much-needed message at a time we need it most.”

Mark R. LePage

AIA, NCARB Founder, EntreArchitect

“Joyce delivered a three-part series to our audience of more than 200 Chief Financial Officers. It was one of the most popular sessions we have offered in our 16-year history, with several members indicating that it was among the most important programs they have ever attendedā€¦.The CFO Leadership Council hosts almost 300 events per year, and Joyce ranks among the very best speakers we have had.”

Jack McCullough

CFO Leadership Council

ā€œEmployee mental health is a top concern for todayā€™s C-Suite executives, particularly with an increase in distributed workforces. Joyce spoke to our CEO, CFO and CHRO communities to share pragmatic advice to help remote employees overcome the most common obstacles that impair productivity and help them implement strategies to cultivate positive morale, engagement, and wellness in an online work environment. She is an excellent presenter, and our audience gave her high marks for her enthusiasm and practical insights.ā€

Jamie Tassa

Vice President, Chief Executive Group

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