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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Therapists Spill: How Therapy Is Different Than Talking To A Friend

“A common reason people give for not seekingĀ therapyĀ is that, well, itā€™s basically like talking to a friend ā€“ except you donā€™t have to pay your friend to listen to you. However, seeing a therapist is very different from having a heart-to-heart with a loved one. ‘I love the cathartic feeling of having a deep conversation ...

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Joyce Marter Blog Featured In Psych Central Best of Our Blogs 2013: Be A Better Person: 10 Ways To Evolve

Joyce Marter’s blog on 10 ways to evolve and be a better person was featured in Psych Central’s Best Blogs of 2013. You can read Joyce’s blog here

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Unearthing & Ridding Yourself Of Toxic Shame

“Shame is inexorably tied to the question that many of us will eventually ask ourselves: ‘Are we aĀ human doingĀ or a human being?’ In other words, is our value and appreciation for and about ourselves determined by what we do (and how it affects others) or just by who we are? HumanĀ doersĀ live their lives chasing the ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: What You Didn’t Know About Therapy

“Therapy is highly misunderstood. Thatā€™s due to several key reasons. For starters, therapy is conducted behind closed doors, which makes it harder to fully and accurately capture. Clients donā€™t commonly discuss their sessions with others. Sadly, theĀ stigmaĀ of seeking therapy prevents many people from sharing their experiences. ‘The ā€˜you must be crazy if youā€™re in therapyā€™ ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Tips On Tolerating Uncertainty

“Youā€™ve probably heard some version of the phrase: The only thing certain in life is uncertainty. The fact that life is filled with surprises, unexpected events and change ā€“ a whole lot of it ā€“ isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. Itā€™s simply reality. Itā€™s just how life works. And it helps us grow. ‘Life challenges ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Therapists Spill: Why I Do What I Do

“This month in our regular series, where therapists share a sneak peek of their personal and professional lives, we wanted to know what motivates clinicians to do what they do. Why did they pick this field? Why do they conduct therapy? Being a therapist is hard work. Itā€™s emotionally exhausting. Itā€™s challenging. It involves helping ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Therapists Spill: How I Manage Murky Moods

“Everyone gets into a bad mood. Everyone has a bad day. Or two. And everyone has a hard time figuring out how to cope with it from time to time. Even therapists. ‘In the past when I was in a bad mood, I would compulsively work at pleasing others, hoping this would help me feel ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: Summer Reading: 20 Mental Health Books That Can Change Your Life

“The summer, a season known for slowing down, is the perfect time for catching up on the books collecting dust on your nightstand and getting a few new reads. To celebrate the official start of summer ā€” and to give you some ideas ā€” we asked several therapists to share the books thatā€™ve been especially ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: 3 Relationship Pitfalls When Entering Parenthood & Pointers To Help

“Couples are often surprised just how much a baby changes their relationship and their lives. In fact, ‘A baby will change virtually every component of your life: physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, relational, social, financial, logistical and spiritual,’ according to Joyce Marter, LCPC, psychotherapist and owner ofĀ Urban Balance, LLC, which offers a Pre & Post Baby ...

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Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: 5 Tips To Increase Your Assertiveness

“‘Assertiveness involves advocating for yourself in a way that is positive and proactive,’ said Joyce Marter, LCPC, psychotherapist and owner ofĀ Urban Balance, LLC. It also means being clear, direct and honest, she said. For instance, if youā€™re upset with your boss over your performance review, youā€™re able to express your opinion in a diplomatic and ...

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